Fight social media addiction
Reduce screen time and improve your focus
Multiple blocking mechanisms
Completely free for most use cases
No account creation or shady VPNs
Apps like social media use powerful psychological tricks to make you unable to stay away from them for too long. Burnout Buddy blocks these apps when you don't want to use them to help you break free and heal their impact on your mental health.
Burnout Buddy is stronger than your iPhone's native Screen Time controls. Designed specifically with social media addiction and unhealthy work habits in mind, it offers a wider variety of blocking mechanisms and allows you to be extremely specific regarding how access to a specific group of apps and websites should be restricted.
If you already use Burnout Buddy, keep an eye out for updates that add even more blocking mechanisms and customization points!
Everything you do with Burnout Buddy is stored locally on your device. We have no idea what you have installed on your phone and wouldn't be able to know even if we wanted to. All information regarding the content installed on your phone is made anonymous by your iPhone and is accessible by Burnout Buddy only in the form of anonymous identifiers.
Don't see what you need? Send us an e-mail requesting it!
Blocks content until otherwise told to stop.
Blocks content based on a schedule.
Blocks content when a daily usage limit is reached.
Blocks content based on your location. (Via 'Siri' Blocking)
Blocks content based on your device's focus mode. (Via 'Siri' Blocking)
Build your own custom blocking conditions by integrating BB with Siri and the Shortcuts app!
Configure multiple blocking conditions for a single group of content for maximum control of your habits.
Want to block a certain group of apps under certain conditions but also another group under other conditions? No problem!
Have the bad habit of "cheating" app blockers by snoozing them? Strict Mode makes it harder for you to change schemas when they're active.
Plug-and-play configurations that cover the most common reasons people use Burnout Buddy for.
See which of your schemas are active directly on your home screen!
Personalize your home screen with an icon that better matches your style!
Don't like BB's default block image and text? Make your own!
Think BB's default Strict Mode is too easy? Tweak it as you wish!
Prevent apps from being uninstalled when a schema with Strict Mode is active.
Receive alerts when one of your schema's condition triggers and/or untriggers.